HS Finishing Touch
A complete, balanced diet formulated for optimum growth and development of show cattle during finishing.

HSC Showlamb Grower DX
A complete balanced, high-energy feed for growing show lambs and breeding sheep. The best part about this feed is that can be used both for your herd and your show livestock.

HS Impulse Goat R20
Balanced nutrition for today’s modern show goats, featuring cutting edge nutrition with the latest research technology from Purina Nutrition Center. This feed helps support rapid growth and expressive muscle development.

Pigs are one of the more challenging species to feed, but a variety of supplements are available to feed with a base diet of corn and soybean meal to get your pig looking his best for the show.

HSC Poultry Grow Finish Amp .125
A nutritionally complete and balanced ration for growing broilers from 22 days to finish and turkeys from 15 weeks to finish. This 22% protein diet is designed to finish the development of chickens and turkeys to their full genetic potential for shows.

Rabbit Show
This complete, balanced diet supports proper development, vibrant fur and reproduction. This feed is formulated without corn, with added soybean oil for vibrant fur quality and all the vitamins and minerals rabbits need to live a happy, healthy life.