Calling all agricultural photographers! Agtegra Cooperative is searching for YOUR photos to feature in our 2026 Agtegra Calendar! Whether it’s a sunset over a small town or a scene on your farm, we’re looking for photo submissions from every season that showcase agriculture and rural life in the Dakotas.
What types of photos should you submit?
From cattle eating out of a snowy bunk to kids out helping their parents check fields, we’re looking for high-quality, horizontal images to showcase what agriculture looks like in the Dakotas during every month of the year. One photo will be selected to go with each month of the calendar, in addition to a cover photo, which is why we need you to dig back through your camera roll for every season, whether it be the snowy, winter days or the cool, harvest landscapes!
- Digital, high-resolution photos must be in a .jpg image file format, at least 1 MB in size, and have a horizontal orientation. Maximum upload size is 5 MB.
- Photos must be the original work of the photographer. By submitting your photo with your name, you are stating that you created the photo and that no other party holds the copyright. It is the entrant’s responsibility to guarantee that the photos entered raise no legal claim.
- By submitting a digital photo in this contest, you are stating that you have secured the necessary permissions for all photo content (including people), and you are authorizing Agtegra Cooperative to use the photo in any and all promotional materials or as Agtegra Cooperative deems appropriate. Agtegra Cooperative does not accept responsibility for photos that may be reproduced or used without these permissions. (See fine print below)
- Upon submission, the entrant agrees that their photo becomes the property of Agtegra Cooperative. (See fine print below)
- Parties submitting photos certify that they have the permission of all individuals shown in each photo and all individuals owning property shown in each photo.
- Entries are due May 30th, 2025.
- The top photos will be selected based on image quality, seasonality and overall creativity. Winning photos will be featured in our 2026 annual calendar. Winners will be notified by an Agtegra Cooperative team member and will receive special prizes.
*Submit one form per photo entry. Multiple photo entries are permitted by the photographer.