25258 413th Ave
Mitchell, SD 57301
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
- Agronomy
Welcome to Mitchell
Agtegra's Mitchell location specializes in fertilizer spreading, spraying dry and liquid fertilizer and NH3 while offering chemical and seed sales, custom application spraying, custom agronomy resources, and personalized services customized to each producer's needs.
Location Manager: Robert Nicholson Region Manager: Jack Nelson
Proudly Offering
Agronomy Services
Agtegra’s Mitchell custom agronomy resources and personalized service can make a big difference. Mitchell's agronomists apply their crop production expertise to your unique operation to help you improve production, yield potential and manage pests and weeds.
Agtegra - Mitchell Team Members to Connect With
Have questions about the Mitchell location or services? Reach out to one of our customer-facing team members below by clicking on their photo and contacting them at their listed email address.